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Battle Royale of Final Fantasy He is on the way. his name is Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier And while the concept may sound strange, it turns out to be a high-quality product. We say it because there are already those who can try it and many of them have loved it.
From June 1 to 6, 2021, the beta version of . has been closed Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. It was a beta period in which select players from some regions had the opportunity to test the kind of action that this game seeks to attract fans of the game. Final Fantasy And players in general.
Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier It might be a pleasant surprise
After the test ended, Square Enix asked the community to share their thoughts on what they experienced in their time Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. The result was very interesting and 93% of the players are said to have felt overall satisfied and very satisfied with the gaming experience.
The amazing thing is that 57% of those surveyed confirmed that they had fun Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier More than they bargained for. So it can be a pleasant surprise.
In case you missed it: Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier: What is that; When it comes out and everything you need to know

According to Square Enix, the audience who tested Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier Enjoy the game’s visuals and arena layouts. It is also remarkable that although many of those who tried it were not good at Battle Royale, they did have a good time with the game.
Now, it is important to note that not everything is honey on chips. Users also criticized that it was not easy for them to get used to the character control. We hope Square Enix will take care of the feedback and provide you with a better experience in this regard.
What do you think of the poll results? Will you give him a chance?
Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier It will arrive on iOS and Android devices sometime in 2021. You can learn more about it by clicking here.
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