Horizon Forbidden West promises a dense open world and more fun

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A week ago, Guerrilla surprised the world with its state of play focus Forbidden horizon west, its next release for PlayStation consoles. What we saw on screen made clear that this is a sequel that will be a lot better than what we saw in the original game, but what goes beyond that?

Recently at LEVEL UP we had the opportunity to speak with Mathijs De Jonge, Director Forbidden horizon west and Ben McCaw, Narrative Director on the project. In our conversation, they resolved many doubts about what was shown in the gameplay situation and made it clear that their goal was to make Aloy’s new adventure more intense and more fun.

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Forbidden horizon west It will offer different browsing options

like its predecessor, Forbidden horizon west It will be an open world game. As De Jonge told us, the reason they chose this genre is because they used to play linear games kill zone And they wanted to tear down the walls so that the players could enjoy the beautiful scenery they were preparing for.

«For this, we really need an open world. We’re not really thinking, ‘OK, how do we invent the open world as a concept?’ It’s more like, ‘Okay, how do we make the adventure more exciting and interesting and surprising so that it takes players all over the Forbidden West? ?” So our focus is more on the actual experience that the players have. And of course, along the way, we make all kinds of innovations in the technical aspects of the game. But our main focus is really on making a great game, an amazing story and an amazing experience.”

Guerrilla’s work Forbidden horizon west It was not a piece of cake. After all, open world games have changed a lot since then Zero Down It debuted at the beginning of 2017. So introducing a game that followed the same formula would have disappointed many fans who are expecting similar sentiments to those of Aloy’s first adventure, but in a game far beyond what we’ve had before.

In case you missed it: Forbidden horizon west: Aloy will be able to sabotage and ride on powerful machines

Exploration will provide more options
Exploration will provide more options

One of Guerrilla’s first changes to achieve his goal was to modify the way Aloy explores the world. Zero Down You might feel a little stiff in this regard, because the navigation options have never offered a whole lot of possibilities. For this, in forbidden west They will allow you to explore more freely; Climb a lot of places and even dive into the depths of the ocean. This will be a much more vertical exploration experience.

“For this game, we wanted to further embrace the sense of exploration in these beautiful environments. As you enter the Forbidden West, there are many new places and environments to explore. In the first game, the climbing system was very limited, and you can only climb in certain places. But now we have added a system Free to climb, so you can climb anywhere in the world.In the demo it looked like you need to focus the streams first and then view them.But you don’t really have to do that.This is only when the light conditions are a bit bad.Normally, If you go through open worlds you can climb anywhere on mountains, cliffs and rocks.We are especially looking to add more verticality in the scan so you can scale more easily, as you can fight.

I think one of the great things about the new ways of exploring is of course being in the water, the new settings, but also they can be linked together where they can connect a lot of mechanics. For example, you can hook up a point to launch yourself into the air and fly into the glider; You can eliminate an enemy from above. I think this is really cool. The other thing of course is the improvements we’ve made to the human companions and melee system, there’s a lot of depth to that. It’s more on par with robot combat. De Jong explained to us that there are more layers, you have to play in a more tactical way.

horizon It is also an RPG game

much Zero Down How forbidden west It’s not exploration games and nothing more. It is adventures with RPG elements, so there is also news in this regard. First of all, it should be a game with a completely redesigned skill tree with completely new options. It will also give you the ability to upgrade your weapons and Aloy’s outfit for more depth.

One of the most important new features of the skill tree in Valor Search. If you saw the state of play, you definitely remember that there was a moment when Aloy used an ability accompanied by a special animation. Forbidden WesIt will have many of these special abilities and will be linked to different skill trees.

«Valor Search is a special move that you can unlock in the skill tree. The skill tree consists of several branches and each branch is dedicated to a specific play style. So you have a skill tree for everything related to melee and you have more tree to set up traps. Each of these trees has a unique brave search feature , which is a special move that you can buy and then equip and use in combat whenever you feel the need for it. It can only be activated when the Valor Search bar is full. If you play tactical, that is, if you shoot in the head, or if you shoot components in machines, You will be rewarded with a special experience, which increases the level of quest for courage and therefore you can implement it,” De Jonge told us.

A world that promises to be dense and beautiful

In addition to making the world more beautiful and fun to explore, Guerrilla has also worked to make it more intense. In fact, Macau considers that one of the main challenges in the development of forbidden west andue to achieve exactly this. In this way, the European studio creates an open world with many things to do and also points of interest that you want to know. For example, she told us that in Forbidden West Aloy she will be able to explore the ruins of San Francisco and even see the Golden Bridge, one of the symbols that gives this city character.

“I think one of the big challenges we had was really trying to make sure that this new huge open world had a good density of content. We struggle to make sure you know that no one wants a big, empty, open world. So we wanted to make sure there was a lot of action and intensity.” I think that’s an area that we do as well.»

Little important that Forbidden horizon west I had a lot to do if these goals were boring, boring, or didn’t give you a reason to complete them. McCaw understands this well which is why they had two main focus in the sequel. The first is that there is a huge variety of goals in the mission design.

«You know, one of the things I think we’re proud of is that as you go through the missions, they all feel different. You don’t feel like you’re doing the same thing over and over. That means they have different sets of puzzles; exploration; fighting and also, you know, new tribes and characters New and new rewards,” stated the creator.

Forbidden horizon west : new pictures

What other approach has been in developing forbidden west? Increase player interest and immersion by introducing Aloy into a deep relationship with her new and old companions. In other words: Guerrilla warfare wants you to care about what’s happening in the Forbidden West and the people who are there.

“We wanted to be very focused on his teammates. So Aloy is going to meet some old guys and a clear example, you saw Erend in the game demo. But you also get to meet a lot of new guys, through the new tribes you meet. And we really wanted to make sure that the player spends It takes more time with his teammates to develop that kind of bond. Those are two big, big, big improvements we made as Aloy moved to the Forbidden West.»

Forbidden horizon west In development for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. This project is expected to start in late 2021, but its release date has not yet been confirmed. You can learn more about it if you click here.

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