Call of Duty Warzone: Best M60 Add-ons in Season 4

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M60 from Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops It was never a favorite of the players in war zone. It’s usually overshadowed by other LMGs like the Bruen MK9 or Stoner 64, but with the recent update where it balances out some of the weapons, the M60 is a great choice in Season 4. . Feature.

With this update, many weapons have received improvements and LMGs from cold War She was one of the most beneficial. Raven Software increased the M60’s damage and headshot multiplier.

Best M60 Accessories in war zone

As you already know, the best way to use the LMG is in middle and long distance matches. We wouldn’t recommend using it at close range, but no one is sure of the shooting power of a weapon like this anyway. Below, we recommend attachments that sacrifice a bit of mobility for more damage range and accuracy.

  • Bokasha: Agency of the Suppressor
  • Barrel: 22.8″ match score»
  • Óptica: 3x . pivot arms
  • Kolata: SAS Combat Stock
  • Pajukanun: Fist of the Field Agent

The suppressor will take care of optimizing the damage range and bullet velocity. To improve the weapon’s range, the lower barrel will help you with constant recoil and the 3x weapon sight is perfectly compatible with this configuration.

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Finally, we recommend using the SAS Combat Stock to give you a little faster movement and targets. We know the Bruen is still a very attractive LMG, but try the M60 with these attachments and see which one works best for you. Both are excellent options.

Tell us in the comments what you think of this build.

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