Fans dream of a new Sony laptop and fantasize about the next generation PSP

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Steam Deck has once again brought to the table how attractive mobile games are. Nintendo has dominated this sector of the industry for decades, but it’s no secret that Sony has been a worthy competitor for years with the PlayStation Portable, better known as the PSP.

It seems that after the lack of support for PlayStation Vita and the announcement of Steam Deck, some gamers are dreaming of Sony returning to the laptop market and releasing a new console. The Technizo Concept YouTube channel envisioned this possibility and created the concept of the next generation of PSP.

The fan-designed console is called the PSP 5G, so its name actually refers to its performance. Technizo Concept not only showed a virtual system design in a video, but also detailed what characteristics the portable console would have if it were real.

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This will be the PSP 5G, Sony’s new generation laptop

In one of his recent videos, the Technizo concept (via push the boxIntroduced PSP 5G, a portable console that is sure to bring back beautiful memories for gamers. This is because its design is a tribute to the original PSP, but with a few tweaks that make it more attractive and comfortable.

The console will have a Snapdragon 888 processor, so it will offer the same capabilities as the Sony Xperia 1 III. As its name suggests, it will be compatible with 5G technology. Gamers will be able to enjoy their favorite titles on a 6.2 inch screen with a resolution of 1440p.

As if that weren’t enough, the PSP 5G will feature a triple camera on the back, as well as the classic buttons that distinguish the brand. Due to its components, the console would be ideal for using game streaming and download services such as PlayStation Now.

Technizo Concept dreams that the PSP 5G can also stream titles directly from the PlayStation 5. To show off the system, the channel shared a video where the PSP 5G is seen in action. God of War II.

Will Sony launch a new portable console in the future?

Gamers are excited about the PSP 5G concept, so they think Sony should release a new portable console. However, it must be remembered that the PlayStation Vita was a huge blow, as it was a long way from achieving PSP success.

As a result, the console is gradually losing its support and will stop receiving new games very soon. On the other hand, Jim Ryan, President of Sony Interactive Entertainment, confirmed that the Vita was a great platform, but emphasized that it is out of the laptop market for the time being.

So it seems unlikely that Sony will work on a new mobile platform. However, the success of the Nintendo Switch seems to have caught the attention of PlayStation and other companies like Valve, so many gamers are still hoping to see a new laptop from Sony.

In case you missed it: Cautious! Report PSP batteries starting to swell

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