Good win! Twitch Banned CoD: Warzone Streamer Who Cheated

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A few weeks ago we told you about the case of MuTeX, a streaming device that had to use 5 cameras to prove it wasn’t cheating Call of Duty: War Zone. Although the above seems very exaggerated, the truth is that they are necessary measures to prove that someone is innocent, because unfortunately there are content creators who use hacks in a subtle way and deceive their followers with their wrong skills.

Specifically, the case of Twitch Streamer Chrissoaresgtr, who appears to have used Silent Aimbot in popular Battle Royale games, has gone viral recently, which explains his flawless aim and knowledge of the enemies’ position.

For those unaware, Silent Aimboit, unlike a traditional Aimboit, allows you to move your mouse at will while bullets continue to go straight to the target. In this way, these types of traps are more secretive and therefore more difficult to detect.

However, this kind of behavior did not go unnoticed by viewers of the live broadcast, who began to report on the broadcast channel. Thankfully, Twitch took action quickly, and as of this writing, Chrissoaresgtr’s profile is no longer available on the platform.

In case you missed it: Activision halts development of ‘undetectable’ hack for CoD: Warzone

Of course, it’s hard to tell if the launcher has also received a warning from Raven Software. According to a site that compiles game statistics, the controversial player is still participating in two more matches after receiving a penalty from Twitch.

Raven Software announces a new wave of bans on CoD: Warzone

What’s really worrying about this issue is that it happened shortly after Raven Software, the studio behind the popular Battle Royale, announced a new wave of bans that affected more than 50,000 users. In this way, and so far in 2021, more than 600,000 players have already received penalties for using cheats.

Unfortunately, the efforts of the developer still do not put an end to the problem of hackers in Call of Duty: War ZoneWhich led to dozens of players and prominent members of the community expressing their discontent on social networks.

But tell us, what do you think of this situation? Let’s read to you in the comments.

CoD: Warzone Available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can read more news related to this popular Battle Royale game if you visit this page.


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