Pokémon GO players salute Diana Perez, the voice of Jesse

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Yesterday, a community Pokemon, The Voice Actors Guild and all fans of the franchise’s games and animation unfortunately received the news of the death of actress Diana Perez who gave voice to Jessie of Team Rocket. Before the unfortunate event, it didn’t take long for fans to honor him from the heart and they did it through Pokemon GO.

Fans salute Diana Perez at Pokemon GO

After confirming the death of Diana Perez, the actress responsible for giving the voice in Spanish to Jesse from Team Rocket, the community worked to honor her with Pokemon GO And in the hours following the actress’s death, they switched their mobile game incarnations into the outfit Jesse wore in the anime, and in some cases chose to alter the face and hair to be the closest thing to the actress.

Although dubbed as Jesse from Equip Rocket from Pokemon He was the most famous, and Diana Perez also worked as the Kagura of InuyashaLuffy in the first dubbing of One piece And Mitzi Nohara in early seasons Shin Chan.

In the same way, as we mentioned yesterday, Diana Perez has also been involved in the world of video games, lending her voice to Kaguya Ōtsutsuki in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 He also did the same with Julia Anderson V. Kinect Rush: Disney Pixar Adventure.



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