Study: PC and PS5 are the two platforms most interest for developers

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The new generation of consoles has started it all despite the pandemic, and developers are already starting to work to bring their titles to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S. However, there is always a platform that sparks more interest, and outside of what the PC, the favorite of most designs, is the new Sony console, which caught the interest of developers shortly after its start of its cycle.

PS5 is the most attractive console for developers

Presented by the organizers of the Game Developers Conference, the popular GDC The State of the Game Industry 2021, A report showing the results of surveys conducted with more than 3000 developers on various topics from their experience in the video game industry. In our case, publication begins to reveal public interest in the PlayStation 5, a console that has strongly attracted the attention of creators.

In this sense, one of the questions centered around the platform that generates the most interest in developing and publishing a game at this time. 58% answered this PC, which is nothing short of it, as it is the friendliest one that provides the most options for developers. However, after PC, 44% revealed their interest in PlayStation 5, followed by Nintendo Switch at 38% and Xbox Series X | ABS increased by 30%.

On the other hand, a similar situation yielded similar results when asking the creators what title they are working in at the moment, with the PC to lead again with 58%, then mobile platforms, but in the case of consoles, 27% indicating that it is a video game. In development for PS5, 24% said it’s on Xbox Series X | S.

The interest in the PS5 on the part of the developer community is no coincidence, as there is no doubt that Sony’s new console is a success and the results Sony published today shows that, so it just naturally is. Seen as a platform to place a title and close a good deal.

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